Spoken Roman Latin, from TV Show "Barbarians" - YouTube

Commentaire Youtube : « When I heard the Centurion say 'Senatorem Publium Quinctilius Vauros' and he pronunces it Wauro I had an orgasam. That is correct Classical Latin. » Commentaire Youtube : « My teacher in middle and high school spent almost her entire life teaching and studying Latin. I was pretty good at it, but to translate 25 lines by Cicero we were given 3 hours time and we were also allowed to check our dictionaries. She could translate ANY author in REAL-TIME and in the most precise way, no matter how hard it was. She always used to tell us: 'if real Romans could hear us talking Latin, they would surely think we are Barbarians'. That's because NOBODY knows the original pronunciation. Having said so, the way they speak Latin in this video is EXACTLY the way our teacher wanted us to speak it. »

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