The x2 place of blanu - Lojban

Pourquoi j'aime Internet. (la page n'a rien à voir, ou plutôt je cherchais tout autre chose avant de tomber sur ça)

To clarify what I said in my posting to cogling ... Cross-cultural studies of colour terms have shown that while there is considerable variation in the number of terms (anything from two upwards), some things are pretty constant. One is that however many colour terms a language has, they occur in a specific order (Berlin & Kay, 1969). Thus if a language has only three colour terms, they will be black (dark), white (light) and red; if it has five, they will be those three plus yellow and green, and so on. The second point is that there is substantial agreement on prototypical colours. A speaker of a language which has a word for green but not for blue may describe a blue object as "green", but their idea of a typical green will be the same as for someone who also has the word "blue" (Heider (now Rosch), 1972, I think). In other words, we don't need to worry too much about the colour gismu.

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